Should I put color in my business printing?
Color is an eye catching, influential, and even a important way to increase retention of the information you are trying to convey to your customer target. Color is a powerful tool for companies to use strategically in your brochures and sales slicks. The way you present your company’s ideas with the use of color in printed material is becoming more conventional than ever before. Studies find that using color in your documents is both impactful and influential. Xerox recently commissioned a study online by Harris Interactive about why your boss should let you print in color.
Color Laser Printers are coming down in cost and it is becoming more affordable for small and medium businesses to utilize this tool in their marketing. Below I have included some color laser printers cost analysis so you can make an informed choice if you want to invest in a color laser printer for your business. I have included in this chart not only the cost of the printer but also the cost of the supplies, page counts as well as the re-manufactured cartridge alternative. The Page Count numbers are based on 5% page coverage. Take a 8" by 11" copy paper and fold it in half. Fold it in half again now you have 25%. Fold it again and now you have 12.5%. You get the picture, 5% is a number Toner manufacturers use and it's quite deceiving. This arbitrary 5% number is only good in comparing the yield of one cartridge to another. Your expectation of how many prints you will get from a cartridge needs to be considered against this information I have just given you. Just a note... considering what I just demonstrated to you, color re manufactured Toner cartridges are a good alternative to the expensive OEM cartridges and more recently the quality of color has improved dramatically. Re-manufactured Color Laser Cartridges recently have rivaled the quality and color reproduction of OEM cartridges.
Here are the links to the different printers.